Spay/Neuter Assistance @ Humane Society of Memphis & Shelby County

Spay-Neuter Grant Assistance

Spay Neuter
We have applied for a grant for spay/neuter. We spay or neuter ALL dogs before adopting. Learn more about spay and neuter grant assistance.

Spay-Neuter Financial Assistance

donations.jpgVisit the Humane Society of Memphis & Shelby County Spay/Neuter Assistance page to learn about:

  • spay/neuter financial assistance
  • Zeuterine, the prescription alternative to neuter surgery

Tipton County Residents:

The Tipton County Animal Shelter has spay-neuter vouchers available for Tipton County Residents for $25.00 to use only at Northgate Animal Hospital. The hospital requires proof of vaccinations by a vet. If the pet has not had vaccination the prices are as follows:  Dog-7 in 1 $40.00, Bordatella $11.00, Rabies $12.00. Cat-FVRCP $21.00, Rabies $12.00. Recommended services prior to surgery are pain injection $16.00, pain pack to take home $7.00, and an e collar $10.00. There are additional charges for a dog who is pregnant or in heat. Northgate Animal Hospital is located at 3616 Thomas St., Memphis, TN:  (901) 358-9111.

The Importance of Spay and NeuterSpay or neuter -- there aren't enough homes

Please see the Midsouth Spay & Neuter Services in Memphis for low cost spay or neuter, as well as discounts on routine vaccinations.

Good for You, Your Pet, and the Community

Prevent A Litter – It’s Good for You

  1. Spayed and neutered pets are better, more affectionate, companions.
  2. Neutered cats are less likely to spray and mark territory.
  3. Spaying a female dog or cat eliminates its heat cycle, which can last twenty-one days, twice a year, in dogs, and anywhere from three to fifteen days, three or more times a year, in cats. Females in heat often cry incessantly, show nervous behavior, and attract unwanted male animals.
  4. Spayed and neutered pets are less likely to bite. Unaltered animals often exhibit more behavior and temperament problems than those that have been spayed or neutered.

Prevent a Litter – It’s Good for Your Pet

  1. Spayed and neutered dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives.
  2. Spaying female dogs and cats eliminates the possibility of uterine or ovarian cancer and greatly reduces the incidence of breast cancer.
  3. Neutering male dogs and cats reduces the incidence of prostate cancer.
  4. Neutered animals are less likely to roam and fight.

Prevent A Litter – It’s Good for the Community

  1. Communities spend millions of dollars to control and eliminate unwanted animals.
  2. Irresponsible breeding contributes to the problem of dog bites and attacks.
  3. Animal shelters are overburdened with surplus animals.

Spay and neuter Please help us save West Tennessee’s homeless dogs.