You asked and I’m delivering! Remember Monkee, the little wiry guy that inspired my For Good post? Well, here’s an update from his new Dad, Dick Scaggs. It is certainly quite the Happy Tail.
Dear Dogs 2nd Chance,
Dear God! What have I done?
Once upon a time I had a neat, tidy house, just my 11-year-old dog, Blue, and myself. Blue and I were both slowing down and had a nice, comfortable existence. It was easy breezy.
Then I got an idea!
I decided it was time that Blue needed company during the day, a new buddy to replace his pal Duke, who died from cancer a year or so ago. I started researching rescue dogs. I absolutely no way, no how, wanted to deal with a puppy and all that confusion. I wanted a mature 2 to 5 year old that was young enough to play, but past that puppy nonsense.
Then I saw Monkee (4 month old puppy) on Dogs 2nd Chance Rescue website. Dang, if he wasn’t the same mix of Wirehair/Lab as old Duke.
Love at first sight.
One small problem: I was in Omaha. Monkee was in Memphis. Oh well! Let’s give it a shot. I offered to give Monkee a home if there was some way that he and I could be brought together without too much stress on him, the folks at Dogs 2nd Chance, or myself.
Initially, it sounded doubtful, but I filled out my paperwork, and was pleasantly surprised when I found out that Monkee’s foster parents, Rebekah and Matt from Memphis, were actually part of a very respectable Omaha family. It was meant to be.
I no longer have a neat, tidy house. A veritable cyclone of long legged, sloppy tongued fur has totally disrupted my life. Blue is in therapy. My shoes are either missing in action or have gnawed edges. I am gently reminded two or three times a night by paws slapping my mattress that it is time to go out. I am a wreck.
But a funny thing! I laugh daily at this goofy clown who has been renamed Memphis.
Yes, he flies around the house like a Wizard of Oz monkey.
Yes, he ate a decorative couch pillow last night.
Yes, he likes to wait until I have settled into my recliner before he flings himself into my lap.
Yesterday, he attempted to jump into my lap from behind and over the back of the recliner tipping the recliner and me over to where I was staring at the ceiling, my feet in the air, with slobbery dog licking and chewing on me. (I believe he thinks my chin whiskers are some kind of furry rodent that needs some sort of tormenting or eradicating.)
All good puppies finally run out of steam.
As I write this, both my dogs, young Memphis and old Blue, lie snoring at my feet.
I am a happy man. I laugh and laugh heartily every day.
Yes, we still have some puppy training issues, but Memphis is teaching and giving me much more than I could ever give him.
Thank you Rebekah, Matt, and everyone at Dogs 2nd Chance for giving this gift of unconditional love to me.
Dick Skaggs, Omaha, NE
If you have a Happy Tail to share, please feel free to send your story to us!
With smiles,
Rebekah Olsen